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Salle restaurant le Saint-Pierre à Mézidon Canon 3

Menu of the Moment

En savoir plus :


Our Starters



  • Tarte tatin with tomatoes of yesteryear, creamy burrata and roasted pine nuts.

  • Ceviche oh saithe, lemon cream, red onion pickles dans cuttlefish ink lace tile chips.

  • Poached organic egg delicately placed on its creamy parmesan, roasted chorizo ans puff pastry twist.

  • Bruschetta with apple compote with Calvados from Pierre Huet and slices of roasted Vire andouille sausage.




Our Dishes


  • Veal fondant confit in thyme juice; Mashed potatoes with cheese.

  • Piece of Beef sliced like a rib, tarragon sabayon; French fries and piperade.

  • Salmon steak cooked unilaterally, dill emulsion; Vegetables.

  • Pan-fried sea Bass fillet, vegetable oil ; Green asparagus cream and linguine.



(All our meats come from C.E.E)


Our Cheeses Raw Milk


  • Cheese plate with salad.


Our Desserts



  • Mille feuille revisited with fresh raspberries and pistachio mousse, pistachio ice cream.

  • Peach and nectarine rum baba.

  • Banana bread with chocolate chips, milk chocolate ganache and snickersice cream.

  • Fresh fruit salad poached in juice, exotic fruit sorbet, meringue stick.




All the chocolates present in our desserts are Valrhona.

Our ice creams and sorbets are homemade.




Our restaurant is closed sunday evenings, mondays ans tuesdays all day.


Le Saint-Pierre - 74 place Charles De Gaulle - 14270 Mézidon Canon - tél. : +33 2 31 40 47 94

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